Paradise Adventure Camp: Welcome to Your Adventure Camping Haven!

Paradise Adventure Camp, we’re thrilled to welcome you to an unforgettable journey filled with excitement, breathtaking landscapes, and endless adventure. Get ready to embark on an experience that will leave you with cherished memories and a longing to return. Your adventure begins here, and we’re delighted to have you with us.

a tent set up in the woods at sunset at Paradise Adventure Camping

Adventure Camping Highlights

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Kid Zone

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Choose your Adventure Camping Activity

Activity schedule

The daily activity schedule of PAC 
  • Morning 8 am Entry
  • Then 8-9 am Breakfast
  • 9-1 pm Adventure activities
  • 1-2 pm Lunch
  • 2-4 pm Indoor activities/relax
  • 4-4:430 pm Tea & coffee time
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adventure camping
  • 4:30-9 pm Outdoor games
  • 9-10 pm Dinner
  • 10-10:30 pm Night show in hall
  • 10:30-11:30 pm Campfire dance
  • 11:30-12 am Fireworks (only on weekends)
  • 11:30/12-8 am Sleep
River Flowing in Green Valley

Rules and Regulations


  1. Respect Nature
  2. Safety First
  3. Be Eco-Friendly
  4. Consider Others
  5. Stay Informed


  1. Littering and Vandalism
  2. Irresponsible Behavior
  3. Fire Safety
  4. Wildlife Interaction
  5. Unauthorized Activities
Person Wearing Latex Gloves Picking Up a Plastic Bottle


2 women playing soccer on green grass field during daytime
group of people near bonfire near trees during nighttime
woman in blue shirt and blue denim jeans riding orange kayak on water during daytime
Back View Photo of Man in Blue Dress Shirt and Gray Hat Playing Darts
Photo of a Boy in a White Shirt Playing Table Hockey
A Group of Boys Playing a Tug of War



General FNQs

Paradise Adventure Camp is an immersive outdoor experience nestled in the natural beauty near Mumbai. We offer a wide range of thrilling adventure activities and camping options to rejuvenate your spirit.

Our camp is located in the picturesque outskirts of Mumbai, offering easy access to the city while providing a serene and adventurous escape into nature.

At Paradise Adventure Camp, we offer an array of exciting activities including trekking, zip-lining, rock climbing, nature walks, and more. Check out our “Activities” page for a complete list.

Absolutely! We welcome families and adventurers of all ages. We have specially designed activities suitable for children, ensuring a memorable family experience.

Accordion ConteYour safety is our priority. Our team consists of trained professionals, and we adhere to strict safety protocols. We provide quality equipment, conduct regular safety checks, and have an efficient emergency response plan in place.nt