Rules & Regulation

Everybody who comes to the Paradise adventure camp has to follow this certain rules & regulation in which we had written what they have to do and what not do.


  • Respect Nature:
    1. Do tread lightly and leave no trace.
    2. Do respect wildlife from a safe distance.
    3. Do follow designated trails and paths.
  • Safety First:
    1. Do follow all safety instructions and guidelines provided by camp staff.
    2. Do wear appropriate safety gear for adventure activities.
    3. Do report any hazards or concerns to camp staff immediately.
  • Be Eco-Friendly:
    1. Do practice responsible waste disposal and recycling.
    2. Do conserve water and energy resources.
    3. Do support local and sustainable businesses when possible.
  • Consider Others:
    1. Do keep noise levels down, especially during quiet hours.
    2. Do respect fellow campers’ privacy and personal space.
    3. Do use headphones for music and entertainment.
  • Stay Informed:
    1. Do attend orientation sessions to learn about camp rules and safety measures.
    2. Do familiarize yourself with the camp’s emergency procedures.
    3. Do ask questions and seek assistance if needed.
  •   Leave No Trace:
    1. Do pack out all trash, including food waste.
    2. Do use biodegradable soaps and detergents for cleaning.
  • . Campfire Safety:
    1. Do use designated fire rings and follow campfire guidelines.
    2.  Do attend campfire safety briefings and be cautious with open flames.
  •   Wildlife Observation:
    1.  Do bring binoculars and cameras for observing wildlife.
    2.  Do keep a safe distance and avoid sudden movements when watching animals.
  • Emergency Preparedness:
    1. Do carry a basic first-aid kit and know how to use it.
    2.  Do have an emergency contact list and a communication plan in case of emergencies.
  • Respect Quiet Hours:
    1. Do adhere to quiet hours to ensure everyone’s peaceful rest 
    2. Do use soft voices and minimize noise during designated quiet times


  • Leave Food Unattended:
    1. Don’t leave food or snacks unattended, as it can attract wildlife.
    2. Don’t store food in tents; use designated storage containers.
  • Overcrowding:
    1. Don’t overcrowd accommodations or communal areas.
    2. Don’t reserve spaces without actually using them; let others enjoy the facilities.
  • Invasive Species:
    1. Don’t bring invasive species, such as non-native plants or animals, into the camp.
    2. Don’t transport firewood from outside the camp to prevent the spread of pests.
  • Unauthorized Fires:
    1. Don’t start fires in windy conditions or when fire bans are in effect.
    2. Don’t burn anything other than firewood in designated fire rings.
  • Neglecting Wildlife Safety:
    1. Don’t approach or feed any wild animals, regardless of their apparent friendliness.
    2. Don’t leave food scraps or pet food outside, as it can attract wildlife.
  • Disregarding Water Safety:
    1. Don’t swim in restricted or unsafe areas without proper supervision.
    2. Don’t engage in water activities if you are not a proficient swimmer.
Free stock photo of conifer, dawn, daylight rules
Free stock photo of conifer, dawn, daylight rules

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